Worst Episodes of Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana

At home and school, she's Miley Stewart, a typical teenager, but when the lights go down and the curtain goes up, she emerges as the glamorous and talented Hannah Montana. Having the "Best of Both Worlds" is a complicated proposition, and keeping her identity under wraps leads Miley and her friends into some hilarious capers as she tries to balance her normal life with her rock star persona.
Comedy Kids
double life secret identity
Find out which episodes of the show Hannah Montana have been rated the worst. The ranking is not based on the rating of a single person but on the opinion of thousands of social media users. This guarantees you a holistic view of the worst episodes of Hannah Montana. The episodes of Hannah Montana are ranked in ascending order of their worst rating. The rating can vary from 10 (very good) to 1 (very bad).

Cheat It

Air date: 2009-03-15 | Season 3 Episode 10
Hannah pretends to date a celebrity she can't stand to get in the news. Jackson thinks that he has to cheat on a test in school. Robbie clashes with Rico.
51 votes
The episode Cheat It was rated 0.67 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Take This Job and Love It

Air date: 2007-06-16 | Season 2 Episode 8
Roxy's overprotecting nature causes her to ruin Miley's date, so Miley convinces her to take up a security job working for the President of the United States. Jackson pretends to be a professional motocross racer to impress a girl
63 votes
The episode Take This Job and Love It was rated 0.481 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Don't Go Breaking My Tooth

Air date: 2008-11-16 | Season 3 Episode 3
Miley's at the dentist, without her dad and it doesn’t end well. When Miley insists on going to the dentist without her fathers hand to hold, she ultimately can’t go through with the treatment, but doesn’t admit it to Robby. Her appearance as Hannah on a popular food show goes completely awry as a result of her swollen tooth.
60 votes
The episode Don't Go Breaking My Tooth was rated 0.479 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

I am Mamaw, Hear Me Roar

Air date: 2011-01-09 | Season 4 Episode 12
When graduation day arrives, Mamaw is disappointed that she couldn't even get a picture with Miley because of her fans. When fans begin to surround Miley, Mamaw becomes distraught that her granddaughter is caring more about her fans than her own grandmother. Meanwhile, Rico tricks Jackson into saying that he wouldn't be into Siena if she had short hair.
53 votes
The episode I am Mamaw, Hear Me Roar was rated 0.469 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Knock Knock Knockin' On Jackson's Head

Air date: 2009-03-22 | Season 3 Episode 11
Jackson's memory loss seems to be the perfect opportunity for Miley to change their relationship for her benefit. Meanwhile, Rico forces Lilly to pretend to be his girlfriend while his cousin Angus is in town in exchange for his help with her math.
46 votes
The episode Knock Knock Knockin' On Jackson's Head was rated 0.433 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

California Screamin'

Air date: 2010-07-25 | Season 4 Episode 3
Miley is finally ready for Robbie to start dating again. Jackson eagerly awaits his first kiss from Siena.
64 votes
The episode California Screamin' was rated 0.424 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Killing Me Softly With His Height

Air date: 2008-12-14 | Season 3 Episode 5
Miley agrees to go out with a charming boy named Connor for the holidays. Connor's elfin stature and his job helping Santa at the mall, however, clashes with her idea of the perfect guy. The neighborhood Scrooge Mr. Dontzig offers to get Jackson into the college of his dreams, but only if Jackson and Robbie do everything that he asks of them.
50 votes
The episode Killing Me Softly With His Height was rated 0.386 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

You Gotta Not Fight for Your Right to Party

Air date: 2007-05-04 | Season 2 Episode 6
Robbie, tired of refereeing Jackson and Miley's latest feud, puts the skids on his kids weekend plans. When Miley and Jackson make a break for freedom, the pairs bickering leads to a bigger problem. Will Jackson's actions finally make Miley's smile?
58 votes
The episode You Gotta Not Fight for Your Right to Party was rated 0.38 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Everybody Was Best Friend Fighting

Air date: 2007-07-29 | Season 2 Episode 14
When Hannah gets an extra ticket to a celebrity tennis tournament, Lilly and Oliver battle for the ticket. Who will win out?
48 votes
The episode Everybody Was Best Friend Fighting was rated 0.367 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

That's What Friends Are For?

Air date: 2007-10-19 | Season 2 Episode 18
Jake Ryan comes back and wants to be just friends with Miley. Miley thinks this plan is perfect, but then finds out that Jake is doing a movie where he has to kiss her enemy Mikayla. Rico makes a bet that causes Oliver and Jackson to appreciate cleanliness more than ever.
49 votes
The episode That's What Friends Are For? was rated 0.315 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Would I Lie to You, Lilly?

Air date: 2009-01-11 | Season 3 Episode 6
Lilly holds a yard sale to raise money for a class trip to Washington, D.C., and Miley gets a man to buy Lilly's hat for a thousand dollars. Miley helped her even though she didn't want her help. Miley and Lilly reconcile when they are in front of the press for the president with Miley mentioning that Lilly is more of a sister than her best friend.; Meanwhile Rico hires Sarah (Morgan York) to work at Rico's Because he knows it will annoy Jackson, but realizes that he isn't happy with Sarah.
47 votes
The episode Would I Lie to You, Lilly? was rated 0.293 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

You Never Give Me My Money

Air date: 2008-11-23 | Season 3 Episode 4
When Miley asks for a raise on her allowance, Robby decides to teach her about fiscal responsibility.
50 votes
The episode You Never Give Me My Money was rated 0.286 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

It's the End of the Jake as We Know It

Air date: 2010-08-08 | Season 4 Episode 5
Oliver comes to visit Lilly and shows her a picture of Jake cheating on Miley. They try to keep this news from Miley, but when Miley says she wants Jake to come visit, they decide to tell Miley the truth.
65 votes
The episode It's the End of the Jake as We Know It was rated 0.277 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Me and Rico Down by the School Yard

Air date: 2007-04-23 | Season 2 Episode 1
Miley is forced to become Rico's gal pal when the troublesome tyke claims to know her secret. A new kid in town named Thor decides to make Jackson his new best friend. But Jackson, a former hillbilly, wants nothing to do with a "hayseed" like Thor...
75 votes
The episode Me and Rico Down by the School Yard was rated 0.273 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

I Can't Make You Love Hannah If You Don't

Air date: 2006-04-14 | Season 1 Episode 4
Miley adores her new beau, Josh, but is unsettled to learn that he despises Hannah Montana. After spending their whole date trying to get Josh to change his mind about Hannah, he decides to attend a Hannah Montana concert, but only if Miley will go with him. Sparks fly when Jackson meets a new girl who actually likes him for himself. Unfortunately, there are even bigger sparks between Jackson & Cooper, once Cooper realizes that Jackson's dream girl is his little sister, Olivia.
160 votes
The episode I Can't Make You Love Hannah If You Don't was rated 0.246 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Ready, Set, Don't Drive

Air date: 2008-11-09 | Season 3 Episode 2
Miley is riding high when she begins Drivers Ed., but she comes crashing down to earth after she learns that the class is not the easy ride she thought it was.
61 votes
The episode Ready, Set, Don't Drive was rated 0.239 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Oops! I Meddled Again

Air date: 2006-07-15 | Season 1 Episode 11
Miley & Lilly play matchmaker for a Hannah Montana fan named Becca. The object of Becca's affection is Oliver & the girls manage to get them together. Oliver wishes that they would have stayed out of his love life though, when Lilly and Miley find out something upsetting about his new squeeze. Jackson learns why the chicken crossed the road...To get away from spoiled Rico and his demands!
87 votes
The episode Oops! I Meddled Again was rated 0.237 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Can You See the Real Me?

Air date: 2010-12-05 | Season 4 Episode 10
Miley explains to a TV interviewer what really went on during the years she lived a double life.
50 votes
The episode Can You See the Real Me? was rated 0.206 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

I Honestly Love You (No, Not You)

Air date: 2009-07-26 | Season 3 Episode 21
Miley is desperate to keep Lilly and Oliver together after she mistakenly concludes that Oliver is falling in love with her instead.
42 votes
The episode I Honestly Love You (No, Not You) was rated 0.179 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

I'll Always Remember You

Air date: 2010-11-07 | Season 4 Episode 9
Jay Leno and Dr. Phil McGraw guest star as themselves when international superstar Hannah Montana contemplates removing her blond wig and telling the world she's really Miley Stewart.
77 votes
The episode I'll Always Remember You was rated 0.171 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

The Way We Almost Weren't

Air date: 2008-05-04 | Season 2 Episode 23
Miley is almost struck by lightening which makes her and Jackson travel back in time to when their parents met.
46 votes
The episode The Way We Almost Weren't was rated 0.15 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

You Gotta Lose That Job

Air date: 2009-02-16 | Season 3 Episode 7
Miley, dressed as Hannah, blows a movie audition with director Rob Reiner on purpose to make Oliver feel better about not getting in to a band. Meanwhile, Rico destroys the original puppet at a birthday party, and therefore Jackson uses Rico as the ventriloquist dummy.
46 votes
The episode You Gotta Lose That Job was rated 0.129 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Welcome to the Bungle

Air date: 2009-03-01 | Season 3 Episode 8
Hannah is on a talk show and says she doesn't like carrots and books and her fans have no choice but to do like wise.
40 votes
The episode Welcome to the Bungle was rated 0.121 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Debt It Be

Air date: 2006-12-01 | Season 1 Episode 20
After Miley charges a wild shopping spree to her emergency credit card, she begs Jackson to help her pay it off before Robbie finds out. Jackson hatches a plan to auction off Hannah's old clothes and a fake pair of sapphire earrings given to her for a video shoot. The siblings manage to raise the money to cover her debt and she thinks that they are home free. That is until Robbie tells them that the jeweler wants the sapphire earrings back, because they mistakenly gave Hannah the real pair instead of the fake ones.
61 votes
The episode Debt It Be was rated 0.108 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.

Come Fail Away

Air date: 2009-12-06 | Season 3 Episode 27
Hannah assumes that she will take to voice over work like a duck to water. Jackson is tired of Robbie treating him like a child. Rico outfits the Surf Shack with high tech equipment.
35 votes
The episode Come Fail Away was rated 0.103 points worse than the Hannah Montana show average of 7.846.